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Accounting Office
ctor for Accounting Office


Shei-jung Ke

886-3-5927700  ext. 2550

  The school budget system is in accord with Clause 3 of the budget system of the Private Schools Fund Establishment. It also follows the principles of consistent budget systems across private schools. In addition to the rules mentioned above, the Accounting Office also endeavors to make the most of our economical resources, and to discourage cheating, luxury and waste. Our aim is to improve the quality of teaching environments and equipment, to develop systems for general school affairs, and to enhance teaching efficiency.
Organization and responsibilities

The responsibilities of Accounting Office include:
1. Making accurate budget lists during the execution, monitoring and decision-making processes.
2. Verifying the budgets and generating the supporting documents.
3. Producing accounting lists.
4. Guaranteeing the management plans and supporting documents.
5. Dealing with each subsidy funds application and cancel after verification.