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Office of General Affairs
Dean for General Affairs


Jen-Ming Wu

886-3-5927700 ext. 2400


      The Office of General Affairs aims to build and maintain a clean, safe environment for all the staff and students at Ta Hwa. It also manages the schools finances, which include the staff payroll and student tuition. The Office consists of five different divisions: Documents and Filing, General Business, Cashier, Construction and Repair, and Grounds and Maintenance.

Organization of the Office of General Affairs

Documents and Filing

student files, including safeguarding and managing documentation; manages students absence records.
(2)Rewards, punishes, and records students
moral conduct.
(3)Handles postponement of students
compulsory military service.
(4)Helps students to apply for student loans.
homeroom teachers
in dealing with cases of emergencies and other urgent matters.
(6)Assists with students
housing and helps them to manage their lives.
(7)Helps students to learn self-defense and traffic safety.

General Business 

(1)Oversees student club activities.
(2)Manages the Student Activity Center and the
homeroom  teacher system.
(3)Schedules and holds school celebrations and activities.
(4)Helps students to apply for student loans and scholarships.
(5)Promotes students
community service.

(1) Makes payments by cash or check.
(2) Makes remittances.
(3) Deposits salary and hourly pay.
(4) Holds various contractual deposits.
Construction and Repair
Handles the bids, supervision, and management of any new construction work, as well as structural, air-conditioning, and utility repair work on campus.

Grounds and Maintenance

Maintains the land, buildings, and equipment of the school.